Kyle Pucko
Co-Host of Cutting Through The Noise
Kyle Pucko has hosted 30 Episodes.
Episode 17: Cutting Through the Noise: Andrew Schultz
December 15th, 2022 | Season 1 | 32 mins 53 secs
cutting through the noise, digital marketing, geo fli, geofli, marketing, marketing strategy, missoula, montana, noise, non profit, nonprofit, pintler, pintler group, strategy
Today we talk with Andrew Schultz: President of the Insight Studio based right here in Montana. We walk through the challenges and misconceptions of HubSpot. We talk about managing a fully remote team and we talk about the path from Alaskan Fishing Guide to Agency Owner and Operator. It’s an amazing episode: enjoy!
Episode 16: Cutting Through the Noise: Ken Fichtler
December 8th, 2022 | Season 1 | 24 mins 48 secs
cutting through the noise, digital marketing, geo fli, geofli, marketing, marketing strategy, missoula, montana, noise, non profit, nonprofit, pintler, pintler group, strategy
Today we talked with Ken Fichtler, Chief Executive Officer at Gaize. Ken's team is developing a test for cannabis impairment, not just cannabis use. It was a fascinating discussion on where the idea came from, how it all works and what’s next for this exciting startup. I know you’re gonna like it!
Episode 15: Cutting Through The Noise: Karie Hyslop
November 26th, 2022 | Season 1 | 36 mins 42 secs
cutting through the noise, digital marketing, geo fli, geofli, marketing, marketing strategy, missoula, montana, noise, non profit, nonprofit, pintler, pintler group, strategy
Today I’m joined by Kari Hyslop, communications coordinator for the college of humanities and sciences at the University of Montana right here in Missoula Montana. We talked about her path to a career in Marketing, her 20 years living abroad and the magic that is Missoula. We know you’re going to love this episode.
Episode 14: Cutting Through the Noise: Hannah Zurroff
November 17th, 2022 | Season 1 | 22 mins 50 secs
digital marketing, families first, families first learning lab, hannah, learning lab, marketing, missoula, montana, pintler, pintler group, zurroff
In this episode, we talk with Hannah Zurroff. Hannah is the executive director of Families First Learning Lab right here in Missoula, Montana. We talked with her about different strategies to reach parents in town that might benefit from their services. Spoiler alert: there are a lot of services.
Episode 13: Cutting Through The Noise: Maura Gatch
September 9th, 2021 | Season 1 | 20 mins 29 secs
On this episode of Cutting Through The Noise, we chat with Maura Gatch, the Enrollment Management Vice-Chancellor at Montana State University-Northern in Havre, Montana. Our conversation takes us through the realm of Maura's career in education.
Episode 12: Cutting Through The Noise: Hazer Novich
July 8th, 2021 | Season 1 | 36 mins 53 secs
On this episode of Cutting Through The Noise, entrepreneur, Montana Ambassador, and veteran drone pilot, Hazer Novich, drops by the shop to tell his amazing story of pursuing his organically homegrown career in visual arts. We chat about his humble beginnings in Big Sky country, how he gained his initial traction to pursue the work he aspired towards, and reinventing artistic direction amidst a growing field of competition.
Episode 11: Cutting Through the Noise: Jesse Bartholomew
June 30th, 2021 | Season 1 | 14 mins 38 secs
On this episode of Cutting Through The Noise, we chat with Jesse Bartholomew, VP of Product at Coaster Cycles. Topics include the 'last mile,' what it is and why it's important, as well as the rise of E-bikes and how the pandemic has shifted attitudes towards transportation.
Episode 9: Cutting Through the Noise: Jill Alban
June 1st, 2021 | Season 0 | 26 mins 25 secs
On this episode of Cutting Through The Noise, Jill Alban stops by Pintler HQ to offer insight on how to achieve a more enriching career mid-pandemic, what's in store for the future of content marketing, and how to maintain many talents from marketing to coaching.
Episode 8: Destination Marketing Episode VI: Economic Development
March 4th, 2020 | 18 mins 17 secs
economic development, economic development digital marketing, online marketing, tourism marketing
Economic Development Marketing can be complicated. We help provide some clarity in our final episode of Cutting Through the Noise Destination Marketing Edition. From customer journey to customer acquisition cost: we help you own the internet.
Episode 7: Destination Marketing Episode V: Referral Marketing
February 26th, 2020 | 15 mins 33 secs
destination marketing, pintler group, referral marketing, tourism
Ever wonder how to keep customers coming back? Sick of spending time money and energy acquiring new customers and visitors only to have to expend the same amount of time and energy replacing them with new ones? This episode is for you.
Episode 6: Destination Marketing Series Part IV: Keep Visitors Coming Back
February 21st, 2020 | 15 mins 10 secs
destination marketing, digital marketing, pintler group, referral phase
Retention: one of the most important phases in the marketing framework that so often gets forgotten about or pushed aside for acquisition type efforts. What can you do to keep visitors coming back to your destination? Kyle and Shawn break it down!
Episode 5: Destination Marketing Part III
February 7th, 2020 | 20 mins 16 secs
destination marketing, economic development marketing, tourism
In this episode, we break down destination marketing in the activation stage. Getting users to your website is one thing, getting users to take action on your site is a different story. Knowing what to look for and how to convert website visitors can mean the difference in thousands of visitors gained or lost. Shawn and Kyle clarify what it means to "convert" in tourism marketing. What software should you be thinking about?
Episode 4: Destination Marketing Series Part II: The Acquisition Stage
February 3rd, 2020 | 20 mins 47 secs
destination marketing, digital marketing, pintler group
Shawn and Kyle discuss the acquisition stage of digital marketing for tourism and economic development clients. Digital marketing is noisy, the acquisition stage is critical in understanding how to reach potential visitors to your destination.
Episode 3: Destination Marketing Series Part I: Five Metrics to Track From the Start
January 28th, 2020 | 24 mins 2 secs
destination marketing, digital marketing, pintler group, tourism
Destination marketing can be noisy. This episode provides clarity in the first few metrics to track when getting started launching a digital marketing campaign. We talk about steps zero-to-one and simplify the process. Enjoy the episode!
Gwen Landquist: Director of Brand at Clearwater Credit Union
January 27th, 2020 | 39 mins 22 secs
In this episode of Cutting Through the Noise we chat with Gwen Landquist, Director of Brand at Clearwater Credit Union. Gwen works out of the Missoula office but the Clearwater Credit Union is rapidly growing in Montana and beyond. We talk about rebranding a well known institution: for those that don’t know, Clearwater Credit Union is formerly Missoula Federal Credit Union, I’m sure most of you still know it as that. We talk about some of the hurdles, some of the wins and walk through the timeline of what it takes to go start to finish through a rebrand. An amazing episode with an amazing guest: enjoy!
Jed Liston: The Power of Networking
January 23rd, 2020 | 27 mins 4 secs
digital marketing, higher education enrollment, networking as a science, pintler group
In this interview, we sat down with Jed Liston. Jed is the Director of Alumni Relations at the University of Montana and also serves as President and CEO of the University of Montana Alumni Association.